Our Seniors

"Go-Whangarei is about change, good change that will assist our young families and our young people well into the future.

It is important that we create a friendly, safe yet vibrant environment and more importantly, a sound economy, that will encourage our young people to advance themselves and to hold themselves high.

Whangarei and in fact Northland’s economy is in need of urgent stimulation to provide jobs, to provide employment and to encourage our young people.

Our economy is not in good shape and many people and families are suffering because of that.

They cannot afford higher rates and rising costs. Many struggle to even find sufficient to buy food. That is not what this city stands for.

There must be a change and that can only come about by making a change.

It is common sense that happier communities are safer communities and that is important for us all.

My Team are experienced and compassionate community people who all share a common desire to see Whangarei become a better, safer happier place.

I have personally chosen each and every candidate for their common sense, broad sense of decency, experience and their trustfulness.

I personally stand behind each and every one of them and I will stand accountable for each and every one of them.

I embrace you, as our respected elderly to allow us at Go-Whangarei the opportunity to bring change and growth to our lovely city.

And I personally promise you, that I will be accessible and available to you all and throughout my term if I am elected as your Mayor and my team as your councillors.

My team and I will be proactive and enthusiastic and will guide Whangarei to a more sustainable. Better place."

Yours Sincerely
David Blackley.
Mayoral candidate and team leader, Go-Whangarei.

What we stand for

You can vote Go-Whangarei and stop the cost of your rates going up, or you can vote for the other guys and have your rates going up every year.

You can vote Go-Whangarei and get some common sense and logic back in your council, or you can vote for the other guys and endure the bureaucracy and rising costs.

You can vote Go-Whangarei and create more jobs and bring greater prosperity, or you can vote for the other guys who don’t really care and think you should pay more.

You can vote Go-Whangarei who believe more jobs and a better economy leads to greater safety, or the other guys who think CCTV cameras will make you safer.

It’s really a simple choice

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