City and Business

You can vote for Go-Whangarei and stop the rate rises and get fairer rates or you can vote for the other guys and put up with what you’ve got.

You can vote Go-Whangarei and get free parking throughout town or you can vote for the other guys and have fewer customers and a declining business.

You can vote Go-Whangarei and get more parking in town for your customers or you can vote for the other guys who tell you, you’ve got enough already

You can vote for Go-Whangarei and get a truly vibrant and exciting city centre or you can stick with the other guys who tell you that’s what you’ve already got.

You can vote for Go-Whangarei and expect real change and real growth that will increase your business  or you can stick with the other guys and cross your fingers and toes!

It’s in your hands.

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